Turn away
Exams are OVERRRR!
And trust me, I'm going to flunk.
Met up with 403 clique for anda's b'dae,
had sakae buffet with viv.
All these in last week. haha
Looking forward to little potter with zilianers on thurs.
Hope nth will go wrong.
Like unable to get tix cause they are sold out.
School's a bore, having so many useless breaks in between.
Have to get down to studying fast cause there's PRE-prelim.
How lame can that be?!
It's alr PRElim, but they still want PRE-PRElim.
But it's all for our own good, muahah
Tml's photo-taking day haha
oh and cords' with her CUTE bangs :)
Everybody was saying how cute she was, and she was like,
"HUH! I don't want cute!"
Yea, she wants to be pretty.
But sometimes, dreams are just dreams.
Haha jkjk, Cords' the prettiest ;D
Sishood's been talking bout the 'XD' face.
Quite cute eh?
And lyndon's our co-CT.
hahas how cute is that!
Lyndon and Willie, perfect combo!
Hehe been blabbering on for so long.
Okay, need to get back to my SGC.
Evon's a girl who has yet to fully utilise her potential....
Even though she's feeling drained.