When no one's there to catch you
I think today's a funny day. HAHA
Sishood was so sweet to get her 18 prezzies, and were given by 18 random people!
How sweet can it be!
Today's PE lesson's a joke :D
Everyone was trying to squeeze the ball amongst dunno-how-many pairs of legs HAHA
AND... It takes 3 to get Liting down. MUAHAHAHA
I went for gym after school to acc those on gym duty.
Bestie kicked my stomach! Actually it wasn't painful at all, but i just act like damn painful.
I ran away from her and went to yingz, and coiled myself under the table.
Bestie was like... damn shocked HAHA
But today bestie jumped 160cm today!! :D WOOHOO
Looking at my contacts now, no one frm S28 is online!
Sishood now at clarke quay, i think, trying to get drunk. HAHA
I sounded like ah-ma today, keep telling 'em not to get too drunk.
OH and i tell 'em not to let kaishit drink ANYTHING. HAHA
Else, she's going to become the joke of the day... AGAIN :)
Kayz, to end with, anyone who wan2 go study, pls jio me as well :)